Das Smart Climate Kit ist ein innovatives Produkt, das auf Basis des micro:bit V2 und der IOT:bit-Erweiterungskarte entwickelt wurde. Ausgestattet mit einer Vielzahl von Sensoren wie Windgeschwindigkeitssensor, Temperatur- und Feuchtigkeitssensor, UV-Sensor, Staubsensor und OLED-Display, kann es eine Vielzahl von Umweltdaten in Echtzeit überwachen und aufzeichnen. Und die Daten in die Cloud hochladen. Das Ziel des Smart Climate Kits ist es, meteorologische Wissenschaft und IoT-Technologie zu kombinieren, um die Neugier der Kinder auf Naturphänomene zu wecken und ihr wissenschaftliches Denken und ihre Fähigkeiten zur Datenanalyse zu entwickeln. Kinder können die Geheimnisse der Meteorologie erforschen und die Auswirkungen von Wetterveränderungen auf unser tägliches Leben durch praktische und Echtzeit-Überwachung verstehen. Dies wird nicht nur ihre Lernfähigkeit und ihr Interesse fördern, sondern auch ihr innovatives Denken und ihre wissenschaftliche Kompetenz kultivieren und so eine solide Grundlage für ihre Zukunft im Bereich der Wissenschaft und Technologie schaffen.
Erforschen Sie die Geheimnisse des Klimas, um das wissenschaftliche Denken der Kinder zu fördern und ihnen zu helfen, ihre MINT-Reise zu beginnen.
HINWEIS: Das Hausmaterialpaket ist nicht im Bausatz enthalten.
Pocket-sized microcontroller (4 x 5cm) designed for kids and beginners
Wireless connectivity with built-in 2.4GHz micro:bit radio and BLE Bluetooth 5.0
25 red LEDs that can be used for interactions
Onboard MEMS microphone, speaker, and touch-sensitive logo
Onboard accelerometer for motion sensing applications
Notched edge connector for easier connections
Dedicated I2C bus for peripherals
Two programmable buttons
micro:bit v2 is a pocket-sized microcontroller designed for kids and beginners learning how to program, letting them easily bring ideas into DIY digital games, interactive projects, and robotics. You can use your BBC micro:bit for all sorts of cool creations, from robots to musical instruments. The possibilities are endless.
You can code, customize, and control micro:bit to bring your digital ideas, games, and apps to life. Measuring 4cm by 5cm, and designed to be fun and easy to use, users can create anything using micro:bit, from games and animations to scrolling stories at school, at home, and on the go. All you need is imagination and creativity.
micro:bit v2 has a lot of features and is completely programmable. Each of its LEDs can be individually programmed. It is also equipped with a MEMS microphone, speaker, and touch-sensitive logo. If you want to realize wireless projects, it is equipped with a 2.4GHz micro:bit radio and BLE Bluetooth 5.0. Also, It has 25 red LEDs that can flash messages and two programmable buttons that can be used to control games or pause and skip songs on a playlist. micro:bit v2 can also detect motion and tell you in which direction you’re heading in with the help of the onboard accelerometer.
Nordic Semiconductor nRF52833
512KB Flash, 128KB RAM
MEMS microphone and LED indicator
On-board speaker
Logo touch
Touch-sensitive logo
Edge Connector
25 pins. 4 dedicated GPIO, PWM, I2C, SPI and ext.power. 3 ring pins for connecting crocodile clips/banana plugs. Notched for easier connection
Dedicated I2C bus for peripherals
2.4GHz micro:bit Radio/BLE Bluetooth 5.0
5V via micro-USB port, 3V via edge connector or battery pack, LED power indicator, Power off (push and hold the power button
Current available
200mA available for accessories
Motion Sensor
ST LSM 303
C++, MakeCode, Python, Scratch
5cm(w) x 4cm(h)
Hardware Overview
Comparison between the current version (v1.5) and the latest version (v2.0)
Current Version (v1.5)
Latest Version(v2)
Nordic Semiconductor nRF51822
Nordic Semiconductor nRF52833
256KB Flash, 16KB RAM
512KB Flash, 128KB RAM
MEMS microphone and LED indicator
On-board speaker
Logo touch
Touch-sensitive logo
Edge Connector
25 pins. 3 dedicated GPIO, PWM, I2C, SPI and ext.power. 3 ring pins for connecting crocodile clips/banana plugs
25 pins. 4 dedicated GPIO, PWM, I2C, SPI and ext.power. 3 ring pins for connecting crocodile clips/banana plugs. Notched for easier connection
Shared I2C bus
Dedicated I2C bus for peripherals
2.4GHz micro:bit Radio/BLE Bluetooth 4.0
2.4GHz micro:bit Radio/BLE Bluetooth 5.0
5V via micro-USB port, 3V via edge connector or battery pack
5V via micro-USB port, 3V via edge connector or battery pack, LED power indicator, Power off (push and hold power button
Current available
90mA available for accessories
200mA available for accessories
Motion Sensor
ST LSM 303
ST LSM 303
C++, MakeCode, Python, Scratch
C++, MakeCode, Python, Scratch
5cm(w) x 4cm(h)
5cm(w) x 4cm(h)
Board Changes
Speaker: Addition of a speaker at the back of the board, but you need to carefully check when accessories are mounted closer to the board than the depth of the current JST connector. By default, the micro:bit will output sound to both the edge connector pins and the onboard speaker. If your accessory makes use of a speaker, you may wish to disable the onboard speaker. This will need to be done in software.
Microphone: Addition of a rear-mounted MEMS microphone with a sound input hole on the front of the board, with a microphone activity LED. Make sure not to cover the microphone and the microphone LED when mounting on accessories.
Touch-sensitive logo: Addition of capacitive touch support to the micro:bit logo which is made of gold plated copper. Capacitive touch is used for the large pins on the micro:bit v2 as opposed to the resistive touch present in the micro:bit v1.5.
Antenna: Change of position of the antenna with an angle and coating it with copper to make it more visible. If your accessory makes use of radio or Bluetooth, it’s better to test your software packages with both board revisions.
Hardware Changes
I2C Bus: Addition of dedicated external I2C lines from the nRF52 of micro:bit v2 to use with accessories as opposed to the shared I2C bus on the micro:bit v1.5
Power: micro:bit v2 can be powered from the two lozenge-shaped pads on the rear of the board and the 3V/GND pins. The nRF52 supplies 300mA to drive the board. 100mA is reserved for powering onboard components. 200mA is then available for accessories.
Software Changes
MakeCode extensions: If your MakeCode extension makes use of mBed or the DAL, you may need to revise them to be compatible with CODAL and both revisions of the board. The latest revision no longer makes use of mBED.
Python modules: Additional memory helps to have more space to create Python modules to work with your accessories and the micro:bit.
Exciting things that you can do with a micro:bit v2
Das ELECFREAKS Smart Home Material Pack ist ein maßgeschneidertes Zubehörpaket aus Holz für Octopus-Sensoren. Es ist mit Befestigungslöchern versehen, die für IOT:bit, Sensor:bit, Servo- und Octopus-Sensoren reserviert sind, was es uns ermöglicht, bessere Ergebnisse beim Bau von Gehäusen zu erzielen.Die Anwendung dieses Produkts im realen Leben im Klassenzimmer, kombiniert mit den Sensoren der Octopus-Serie, ermöglicht es Kindern, schnell loszulegen und spielerisch das Programmieren zu lernen.
Vorraussichtlich wieder verfügbar ab: 21.04.2025
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